In the Lion's Den so God can bring you out.

In the Lion's Den so God can bring you out!

Happy New Year my dearest Bloggees! I'm so pumped right now because I know God is going to show Himself strong as always and I pray you have a fantastic year!...It's been a while guys and I'm truly sorry.Last year was characterized by a bit of traveling and a lot of work but in 2k17, I'll try to post more often.

So I'm nearly a 100% sure that you know the story about Daniel in the lion's den(Daniel 6). It's probably one of the most told stories in the Christian space. The Holy Spirit led me to this story and put some things into perspective that I'd love to share with you guys.

Okay so in the preceding chapter-(chapter 5), King Belshazzar appointed Daniel as the third highest ruler in the kingdom and he was a very successful and prestigious ruler as told in chapter 6. I mean..and the haters were swarming all around him....chale!..It says in verse 3...."Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over THE WHOLE KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" THAT'S CRAZZAYYY! Wow!...the King intended to make him the most powerful ruler in the kingdom! that was a huge promotion coming his way!...but before the promotion, there had to be some form of validation and let's see what God allowed to happen.

"The satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs but they were unable to do so" v4  WHY? "They could find no corruption in him because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent" v6  Now that's an example worth emulating. God upholds the righteous guys and it's so important that we continually live lives that glorify God in every aspect.

Now to one of my favorite verses..."Finally these men said "We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God"....(gasp!)...The mere fact that they had to resort to using his relationship with God as a charge against him just got me they actually had to go to the king to make a rule which was that "there should be an edict and enforcement of the decree that anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next thirty days except to the king shall be thrown into the lion's den"...I mean look at this!..they had too have a whole law set that would make Daniel guilty ..this means he was so flawless by God's grace that he hadn't broken a single one of the existing laws..otherwise why would they have had to set a new one?????....

Can the same thing be said about you?

In verse says "When Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened towards Jerusalem.....he prayed giving thanks to God just as he had done before"...He was unshaken and grounded. In Psalm 125:1 it says" Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, they will not be shaken" Now he trusted in the Lord. He knew the God he was serving and understood the magnitude of power His father had and still has!...He was UNASHAMED(Romans 1:16) ! (shoutouts to the 116 clique..:))

So, you know Daniel was found "guilty" before the law and he was thrown into the lions' den...Bible says the king sealed it with his own signet ring so that Daniel's situation might not be changed and I heard God laugh when He showed me this....He said to me "I am not limited by any boundaries you set". The king thought that by sealing the den, Daniel's situation would not be changed however God moved anyways!..Daniel said "My God sent his angel and He shut the mouth of the lions"!!!!!...It really does not matter what people say or do, what matters is what God's purpose is and once you keep walking in it, my are set!.....

Major Points
Keep walking a blameless life and use God's word as a yardstick for your actions. God says if you love me, you will obey my commandments and as you obey his commandments, you learn more about the very nature of God because He is the word(John 1) 

Don't be afraid of mere mortals. They can only do so much.

God will allow you to encounter certain tribulations so His glory can be revealed. In the process, there is an elevation to the next level for says in verse 28 "So Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian"

Be unashamed of the gospel for it is power of salvation unto those who believe(Romans 1:16)!!!


Thanks so much Guys! love, Nadia.


  1. Wow...... Insightful as usual,keep blessing us Nadia

  2. Thanks Jeffrey!!! I'm humbled and I give God all the glory.God bless you dear


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