Not Letting negative words and actions affect you negatively


People were rolling on the floor, laughing very loud .Some who did not want to be seen laughing rushed out of the hall. Some could not comprehend the event unfolding before them and their mouths gaped wide in amazement. IKR!!'re going like what was going on??

So there was this day when I realized I don't dance often. I resorted to dancing more subsequently however, the response was not as exciting as you think it might have been. The above scenario I presented is a typical response I received after I danced in boarding school.

I had been told several times that my dance moves were quite odd and not so pleasing to the eyes. People laughed in my face and that could have stolen my groove  however, I did not let that happen. Instead of reacting all hurt and pitiful and sad, I listened to what they said, filtered out the helpful ones and worked towards becoming a better dancer. You might not believe but even my parents giggled every time I danced. Both of them being quite good dancers, wondered where I got my moves from........hehehe.......

I reminisce a day when I dogged......MY GOD!!!!! mates were shocked. They wondered how a singer's dance moves are so off!!! was a funny scene because that made me the laughing stock of the class at that time. However, I stood firm and got intense lessons from a mate. By God's grace, today,  I'm better at dancing....although I must admit, there is a bit more that can be done about it.

I know this might seem funny, but it's actually sad. It's like I was trying my very best and putting all effort I had within me to express myself through my dance moves however people thought it was funny............LIKE SERIOUSLY!!......hmm......People might not always understand your actions and emotions however, you must stand firm and believe in yourself.

What I did was that, I listened to people perceptions on my dancing and did not lose heart. I told myself that it could be my chance to become the best dancer I could ever be as I would get lessons from those blessed with the gift of dance.

Well guess what!!!!

A few days ago, my parents took my sisters and I out to a party. There was a lot of upbeat music playing and I itched to get out of my seat to go and dance…..(oh hehe...pls don’t be alarmed) I told my sister Kezia who raised a questioning brow and shook her head. Guys I took a course I do not feel remorse about. I got out of my seat and danced infront of everyone present. My moves were quite different from the rest but that was what made me stand out. My daddy hugged me after and was amazed at the drastic improvement he had witnessed. My mother gave a wide grin and teased me.My siblings just giggled the whole time and I was just cool with all that.:D
All glory to the Lord.

Now to an incident whereby I let negative words affect me negatively.

I told you in my previous blogpost about how I gained some weight after my first semester of secondary school.Well yes friend, this is an indepth version of it.

Tears trickled down my face and I turned to face the window so that my dad would not see what was going on. He was behind the steering wheel next to me (I was on the front seat) and we were on our way back home from church. I had been deep in thought concerning how majority of the church members who called my attention did so to express their shock on how ‘FAT’ I’d become. My dear friend, nothing hit me as hard as that. 

My eyes had become reddened and my head began to ache badly. Not knowing, all this while, my father had been closely observing me. He asked whether everything was alright and despite the fact that I’d replied in the affirmative, he insisted that I open up to him on what was wrong. I opened up and told him about the fact that it hurt that so many people had been calling me what they had been and he wasn’t happy about my reaction to their remarks. Friend, you know the irony of this whole situation? In my culture “fat” is loosely used to describe a person who has gained even the least amount of  weight however my deep understanding………my reaction to those remarks is what made me broken.

 You might have a deep understanding of the word, however, you can decide to react negatively or positively.I prefer the latter because it’s the best option.Reacting negatively yields negative results.So my dad (Oh God, I’m grateful for him)gave me a good talk on the fact that it’s not all about your looks. It’s about the impact you get to make on the life of someone else. It’s about being a good person inside because that’s what actually attracts people. Your body is just a covering and you have to keep it healthy but you do not focus on it soooo much that inside you begin break down when your “outer appearance” is at little fault due to an action or inaction.

My dear bloggee, it’s a little bit humorous or maybe not but you know I was in the middle of writing this blog post when I was faced with that obstacle and it made me reckon that it’s not easy being strong even when the arrow from the quiver has hit you right in the heart. Friend, it’s up to you to look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself. I am the handiwork of God.I am beautiful and I am smart. I am all God wants me to be. Speak positive words to yourself every day. When you do this and believe, nothing can break you down because you know who you are in God. You’ve looked at yourself in the mirror and you‘ve declared positivity and so you can only be filled with positivity and hence react positively to things that come your way.

Proverbs 18:21 attests to the fact that “Death and life lie in the power of the tongue and its fruits thereof." What do you want to declare into your life now, death or life?

How do want to react towards negative words?

Thanks so much for visiting my blog....Blessings, Nadia.


  1. If you had time and others to add to on a daily basis, this could be Our daily Bread for inspiration.

    Keep up the good work

  2. WOW!!.. I'm really inspired,it's great that you're learning some of the realities of life and all these go a long way to make you a way better person.You should update frequently and I'll always read as much.

    Love your work though :)


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